Senior Portraits at High Noon (Or, Why Lighting Matters)

April 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Howdy folks!

Last week, we got to spend a few hours working with Jade on her senior photos out at Point Defiance in the Rose Garden and at Owen Beach. Aside from the experience being a real delight (including working with Jade's father, Jason), the session itself proved to be one of our more interesting senior sessions.

Now, a lot of things can contribute to making a session interesting (such as Jade's interest in modeling and apparent skill at it), but what really made this session stand out in my mind is the lighting. Which is interesting, because we started at 2 PM with the sun nearly overhead. If you're at all familiar with photographing portraits, then you know that this is not the best lighting nor the best time of day for portraits, usually. Snap a photo in the noonday sun, and you'll have big, unflattering shadows covering the eyes, under the chin, and some of the harshest treatment of skin you've ever seen.

But there's a solution this! This is why you'll sometimes see us wandering about with some big, silly looking flash stands and white circular reflectors. It's the difference between "worst time-of-day lighting" and this:

Bright eyes, clear details, good skin tone and colors.

If you're planning an upcoming photo session for your high school senior (or even yourself!), we'd love to chat with about the kinds of photos you're looking for. Lighting, location, outfits, they're all important, and we're ready & happy to advise. Just shoot us an email.

In the meantime, check out some of the other photos we got from Jade's session! She did a fantastic job and it was a treat to get to work with her.





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