Fun Family Engagement Photos

April 30, 2014  •  1 Comment

We were really excited to do our friends Tim and Sara's engagement photos. But we were also super excited to include their son Harper. Hannah has known Harper in the church nursery for some time now, and she has a soft spot for this toddler. This kid is not only cute, but also charming. He's hard not to love. 

Still, we wanted to make sure we could capture Tim and Sara's relationship without the distraction of a little one. Since our engagement sessions are usually two hours, we could plan enough time for both family photos and more intimate couple photos. All we needed was a family member to graciously take the kiddo halfway through the session, and thankfully they had one hand.

So on one of the few sunny January days we met them at Chambers Bay for a two-hour engagement/family session. Harper decided he wanted to stick his tongue out for most of the day for no apparent reason, but hey, that comes with the territory. Tim and Sara just rolled with it and had fun. And isn't that how a photo session should be--fun?


If you want a session that doesn't fit into a box, we'd love to hear from you! Contact us today and we'll discuss how to turn your ideas into a fun photo session.


Thank Jason and Hannah! It was so special to have you guys do our engagement/family pictures! Hannah has always been Harper's favorite, just don't tell anyone! :)
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