Crafting Beauty for Friends: Jess and Mitch's Wedding Day

June 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I love working with my friends. I work in one of the few industries where I get to craft beautiful things for the people I love. It's energizing, interesting, and deeply challenging—if I'm doing it right. 

Sometimes this takes the form of praying with a stressed groom. Sometimes, this comes from knowing *just* the right button to press to get a couple to laugh. Sometimes it's simply appreciating the weighty honor of getting to shoot someone's wedding day.

Regardless of the form it takes, it's one of my favorite experiences, and I recently had this pleasure when I got to shoot Mitch and Jess's wedding day. Mitch is a relatively new acquaintance, Jess a college friend of Hannah's. Months of planning (and some of the most acrobatic scheduling I've ever seen) culminated in a beautiful wedding day out in Port Gamble, WA. We started at St. Paul's Church and moved a short walk over to Hood Canal Vista Pavilion for the reception (you can find info on both venues here).

The day was full of the rich celebration of friends and family, and was fitting in such a beautiful place. 



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