Welcome to Part 2 of Hannah’s “How to Choose the Best Wedding Photographer for You.” If you’ve read
Part 1, you know this is a response to a popular
infographicI found on Pinterest. Let’s continue with question #5.

Do you correct your photos? The truth is, this shouldn’t be an issue. It’s usually thought to be standard practice for a photographer to edit their photos. Part of what you’re paying for is the professional’s expertise in correcting blemishes, poor lighting, odd colors, etc. Brides and grooms should never feel the need to do their own editing. It’s kind of like telling your caterer, “I’ll do the cooking, just give me all the ingredients. I won’t even tell the guests; they’ll think you did all the work.” I might be a good cook, but the caterer would probably prefer to do his or her own job. In short, if a photographer says he or she doesn’t correct photos, find another professional.
Will the photographer give you a high resolution CD of your images? Excellent question! It’s fairly common for photographers to give clients a CD of their images, along with a print release. However, this isn’t standard practice. If they do offer a CD, make sure you ask, “Do you have any limits on what I can or cannot do with these photos?”Remember, the photographer still technically owns the photos, so it’s best to respect his or her wishes. For the record, at this time all our packages offer a DVD with printing rights.
Are you willing to [let us] have input on the photos we want? While I want to say this question is unnecessary, the unfortunate fact is that there are some photographers out there who don’t want to work with their brides and grooms. This is extremely unprofessional; you are paying for them to serve you. That said, most professionals will be quite glad to hear what photos you’d like. It makes it easier for them to give you the best possible results, photos that are tailored for you. So a better question may be, “Here is a list of shots I really want captured. How does this look?” Have a copy of your shot list ready to give your photographer. If he or she won’t work with it at all, then you should look for someone else.
Are you the actual photographer who will be shooting on my wedding day? Another great question! Some businesses use multiple photographers as a means of expanding their availability. (Our packages include Jason as first shooter and me as second shooter.) If the answer is no, ask, “Can I meet the photographer who will be shooting? Also, can I see his/her work?” Make sure that the person who will actually be shooting your wedding is someone you want.
Are you familiar with my wedding ceremony/reception site? Great question. If the answer is yes, you may want to ask to see some examples of the photos he or she took. If the answer is no, try to arrange a time for you and the photographer to meet at the site and go over details. That will give the photographer an idea of what to expect on the big day.
What comes in my photography package? Very good question. If you don’t see a package list on the advertising or website, ask for one. When you have one, ask the photographer to go over the list with you so you know exactly what to expect.
That covers the questions! Next time I’ll go over the shot lists in the infographic and how to create the best shot list for your wedding.